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Dermaplaning Facial
Once you experience Dermaplaning, you'll never want to go back. Dermaplaning transforms your skin's texture and gives your face a natural contour boost. The procedure involves the trained hand of an aesthetician with a small sterile blade. After your light facial peel, the dermaplaneing blade is glided across the surface of your skin to remove villus hair, or "peach fuzz." As it moves, it's also disrupting the very superficial cells of the epidermis, encouraging regeneration and improving absorption of topical actives.
Dermaplaning can be added to any facial
Sure, we could perform a derma planing facial alone, but the exfoliating and texture smoothing benefits are amplified when you pair the procedure with a light skin peel, ultrasonic rejuvenation, or microderm procedure. Dermaplaning works purely on the skin surface, whereas other rejuvenating procedures work deeper into the layers of skin, activating cell processes and collagen synthesis.
What results can you expect?
Dermaplaning delivers a youthful, more vibrant look to your skin. Removing the peach fuzz liberates your skin from excess hair that traps in debris and oil, giving the skin a dull look.
- Your skin will be more contoured
- Your skin will look brighter and illuminated
- Products will penetrate better
- Makeup will set impeccably
Dermaplaning is the perfect non-invasive service that can transform the look of your skin immediately. However, if you have comedonal or cystic acne, derma planing can aggravate these blemishes and cause them to bleed. Opt for chemical peels or crystal microdermabrasion instead.
For more information about Dermaplaning facials or add-on treatments, schedule your treatment or a consultation online.
Call for appointment times: Stone Oak (210) 479-8200 // Broadway (210) 822-5548 // Spring Branch (830) 228-4472
Book a free consultation! Our skincare experts are available in-person or virtually via FaceTime or Zoom.